Music Ministry
Do you enjoy singing or playing an instrument? Would you like to become more involved in your St. John's community? All are invited to sing/play and share ideas as part of our Music Ministry! If you're looking to share your love of music, your musical gifts, and grow in faith, join us! For more information on how to become involved in our Music Ministry please contact Roberto at
Children's Choirs sing 2x/month at 10:00am Sunday Mass
All primary & middle school friends of Jesus are invited
to SING WITH US! Contact Sara with any questions or to sign up by emailing
9:15 am Rehearsal I 10:00 am Mass
March 31 (Easter)
April 14 & April 28
May 12 & May 19 (Pentecost)
June 2 & June 16 (Father's Day
CLICK HERE to share our flyer!
Sings weekly at 10:00am Sunday Mass
We are working to re-establish our Contemporary Choir. This casual group will rehearse at 9:30am on Sundays and stays through for the 10:00am Mass. It is open to 9th graders and older. Instrumentalists and singers are welcome.
Sings weekly at 5:00pm Saturday Mass
Open to all those 9th grade and older. We sing in 4-part harmony, and sing a mix of traditional and contemporary music at 5:00pm Mass and 1 Mass per major holiday.
Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays at 7:30pm or on
Thursdays at 11:00am.
Musicians of ALL AGES who are intermediate-level or advanced-level are always welcome to share their talent with the community at our Masses. Instrumentalists are able to play at any of our weekend Masses. Ability to read charts/sheet music is preferred.
Teens: You can do your Confirmation Service Hours & have an awesome time playing at Masses!